1:1 Coaching Program

For the ambitious, high-achieving women who obsesses about the outcomes of her life and achieves through putting all the pressure on herself.  Maybe you're an athlete, former athlete, or you just bring the "athlete" overachieving mindset to your life.  Throughout our time together you'll learn how to reach your goals from a place of unattachment so you can find more calm and presence to enjoy your life.

Book Your Free Coaching Consultation

What you'll get at the end of 6 months of coaching with me: 


Clarity of what YOU want in life - not what society says you should want.
The tools to create a life that feels good internally - not just an external facade of happiness.
How to reach your goals without spinning out in anxiety and overwhelm.

An understanding of your patterns and underlying beliefs that don't serve you and how to change them to create what you want.

Ability to make decisions without second guessing.

How to get out of overwhelm or procrastination (two sides of the same coin)

Your needs and wants and how to communicate them effectively.

How to shift your negative self-talk and speak kindly to yourself.

Less worry over what people say and think about you.

Self-trust and knowing you've got your own back.

Developed resiliency and knowing how to fail forward.

You're stuck in fear...

Even when you have an inkling of what you want it's hidden underneath the fear of making the wrong move. So you just push it away.  You don’t have the confidence to trust yourself enough to listen so your head is spinning with all of your ideas but you're not taking action.


Life feels overwhelming...

The voice inside your head saying “this! this feels good! go in this direction!”  Only to say something totally different 5 minutes later.  How do you even know where to begin to find clarity on what brings joy and meaning to your life?—never mind having enough belief in yourself to actually take the risk to try it? 


You've tried this before...

Past evidence tells you that you've tried before to feel better and it didn't work.  You still feel overwhelmed and confused as to how to feel free.


Everyone has an opinion...

You ask everyone for their opinion of what you should do.  You are afraid of making the wrong move but if you can just get enough people telling you you're making the right choice then maybe you'll feel better.

The key to changing all of this has nothing to do with things outside of you or your past.  It is in learning to manage your mind even when life keeps throwing you obstacles.  Coaching teaches you how to manage your emotions and thoughts so you can keep taking action forward even when you feel "stuck".  You're never really stuck, you're just believing what your brain is telling you. 


Stop living the narrative you're supposed to and start living the one you want to.


Book Your Coaching Consultation Today

What else is included?

  • 3 months of coaching

  • Enneagram Assessment and Personalized Breakdown

  • Unlimited email support between sessions

  • Specific tools to help you along the way.

  • Breathwork to release fears and calm your anxiety.
  • Journal prompts to remind you to tune into you.

  • My calendaring process to help you with a specific way to calendar your time so you don't create overwhelm and can enjoy your free time.

Get started with your Free Consult!