The new way of leadership is here - and it’s feminine AF.

Feminine isn’t about GENDER - it’s about ENERGY.  It's about WHO you are being.

And for many years in our society - our emotions have been suppressed.

From the suppression - you suppressed your gifts and have learned to believe that your FEELINGS are created by the things outside of you.

You decide how you feel based on:

πŸ‘‰How much money is in your bank account.

πŸ‘‰Your “status” in a hierarchy - your position at work, your experience, your degrees, etc. determine your readiness to lead and express your ideas.

πŸ‘‰Your relationship status.

πŸ‘‰The materialistic things you have.

πŸ‘‰What other people think about you.

When you base how you FEEL on the things outside of you:

πŸ‘‰You are always at the mercy of the things that happen in your world to feel good so you end up being graspy and NEEDING things to look a certain way

πŸ‘‰You have to hustle really hard to be able to “get there” so that you can feel better (because your feelings are based on having the thing)so you’re always burnt out and exhausted.

You’re never really satisfied with what you have and live on a constant hamster wheel to get to a place where you feel better

πŸ‘‰Most importantly, you suppress the true magic the lives within you.  

This is why I created QUANTUM IMPACT.

It’s a group coaching mastermind for women so you can step into the life and the impact you were meant to by learning to EMBODY who you are at your core and the energetic frequency of the life you desire.

So you can feel lit up by life and stop hiding your fullest expression, and as a result DEEPEN the impact you have in the world.



As a former athlete and collegiate coach - I spent years burnt out and not taking care of myself - bulldozing and pushing my way through the world to get to a place where I felt better about myself and my ability to lead.

By age 28, I was coaching swimming at the University of Michigan, I had 2 Master’s Degrees, yet I was staying so small in my life.

Deep down I knew I had powerful wisdom and gifts to share, but when my environment didn’t support me, I doubted myself. I didn’t speak up for what I truly believed and I kept “putting my head down” and grinding thinking that that would get me there.

After years of life coaching myself and working with incredible female athletes and ambitious women, I’ve understood deeply the struggle to conform to leading the way we see men lead and how much we doubt our own guidance.

This program is the culmination of what I have learned to step fully into myself and create the life and business of my dreams.

How this shows up for you:

πŸ‘‰You doubt your emotions and find it hard to trust yourself.

πŸ‘‰You doubt your intuition especially when someone else disagrees with your perspective.

πŸ‘‰You question your ability to powerfully lead so you show up small.

πŸ‘‰You second guess yourself & spin in indecision about everything - life decisions, career moves, relationships, and smaller day to day things like what you want to eat, what you need, or what would make you feel better.

πŸ‘‰You feel pressure to do things a certain way.

πŸ‘‰You stay in relationship dynamics that do not serve you.

A new paradigm is here and it’s about leading through your unique essence.

Through the energy of feeling free to be YOU and trusting what you desire to create for your life.

Inside Quantum Impact - you will learn how to be the woman who leads herself powerfully.

Through deep alignment of who you are and who you're being in the world.

Why be a part of a group mastermind?

One of the most common things I hear from the women I work with are things like:

πŸ‘‰nobody gets me

πŸ‘‰I hate going through this alone

πŸ‘‰why am I the only one that sees it this way

One of the things we struggle with most as women is our ability to be truly vulnerable.

We’ve been playing into the world of competition and individualism where we have to do things alone and it’s not safe to let others see you struggle.

This disconnection keeps us stuck further in our own stories.

We are meant to collaborate.

We are meant to love each other.

We are meant to support each other.

We are meant to FEEL lit up by our lives.

This will be a powerful container to celebrate, heal, and expand together.

To watch someone get coaching on exactly what you are going through immediately makes you feel connected and less alone.

To get coaching and allow yourself to sit in the vulnerability of sharing your struggles and to be witnessed and held with love allows you to show up more powerfully.

Quantum Impact is the container to:

πŸ‘‰Discover who you are, what you want, and how to powerfully lead and impact

πŸ‘‰Embody deeper levels of self love and compassion

πŸ‘‰Be surrounded by powerhouse women who support you

πŸ‘‰Shift your energy and expand yourself WEEKLY so you can Quantum Leap (you won't recognize yourself at the end of this experience!)

πŸ‘‰Understand how to process heavy emotions that are keeping you stuck

πŸ‘‰Help you shift the subconscious beliefs that hold you back.

πŸ‘‰Lead powerfully in all areas of your life - just by being you!

πŸ‘‰Birth new ideas into the world (to create a deeper impact) - whether it’s a side hustle, business, at work, or in your personal life

πŸ‘‰Dismantle patriarchal beliefs and help you tap into DEEP self-belief

πŸ‘‰Release your old money stories and attract more wealth

πŸ‘‰Set high standards for your life & raise your wellbeing

πŸ‘‰Have deeper, more intimate relationships romantically and with friends

Who is it for?

πŸ‘‰This is for the ambitious woman who step into her true life's purpose.

πŸ‘‰You're ambitious and maybe you played a sport at some point in your life or current consider yourself an "athlete"
πŸ‘‰You deeply care about your work in the world and the impact that you are making but you want to do it in a way that FEELS good and aligned to you.  

πŸ‘‰You're sick and tired of playing by society's rules and you're ready to create you're own - you feel so many questions about your current environment and you're not sure how to navigate it.

πŸ‘‰You feel like you want deeper connections and shared experiences with other like minded women

What does it include?

  • Weekly calls 
    • Weekly Coaching & Teaching Plan:

      1. Deeping into your self-concept & authentic expression

      2. Open Coaching / Emotional Processing

      3. Mastering Mindset, Emotions & Energy trifecta

      4. Open Coaching / Emotional Processing

      5. Alignment of Habits to Support Your Energy & Impact

      6. Open Coaching / Emotional Processing

      7. Boundaries, Standards & Energetic Setpoints

      8. Open Coaching / Emotional Processing

      9. Money Beliefs & Trusting Your Value

      10. Open Coaching / Emotional Processing

      11. Building Supportive & Expansive Relationships

      12. Open Coaching / Emotional Processing - Closing Ceremony

  • A Facebook group for support and celebrations where I’ll answer weekly coaching through videos & riffs so everyone can learn together
  • A Kajabi Portal for the call replays and resources will be housed for lifetime access
  • A sisterhood Voxer chat to support your questions and what comes up throughout the week & to celebrate with your peers!

When do we start?

  • Weds, April 19th @ 12:00-1:00 PM ET
  • 3 months of weekly calls / 12 weeks

This is the room you want to be in. Don’t wait. Sign up below.




















6 month extended payment plan available HERE.


Doors Close April 17th at Midnight!

Want to see if it's the right fit for you?  Book a consultation HERE.


Please read the program terms and conditions HERE